Fórum Isekai
Compartilhe suas inspiração, conheça outros fãs de animes, games, mangás e compartilhe suas ideias e criações.
Discussões sobre desenhos asiáticos (japonês, chinês, coreanos, etc) e tokusatsus. Pegue leve no Hentai e Spoiler.
Discussões sobre bons cosplays de personagens de animes, filmes, quadrinhos. Abuse do Ecchi, evite o Hentai (nudes).
9Filmes, Especiais, OVAs e ONAs
Discussões sobre filmes asiáticos (japonês, chinês, coreanos, etc) e tokusatsus. Pegue leve no Hentai e Spoiler.
9Games e Consoles
Discussões sobre jogos de PC, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, portáteis (inclusive celular), etc.
5Histórias em Quadrinhos (HQ)
Discussões sobre comics (DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, Millarworld, Top Cow Prod. etc). Pegue leve no HQ Sex e Spoilers.
Discussões sobre quadrinhos asiáticos (japonês, chinês, coreanos, etc). Pegue leve no Hentai e Spoiler.
1PC, Celulares e Hardware
Discussões sobre peças de computador, lançamentos eletrônicos, comparações de hardware, dicas de que acessórios comprar
0Off Topic
Discussões em geral que não estão listado nas categorias do fórum. Ex.: Carros, músicas, esporte, política, religião,etc
- Filmes, Especiais, OVAs e ONAs在塞拉利昂中部,尤其是在亚马逊地区,选民简直少之又少。佩 电子邮件列表 雷斯五分之一的选票来自基多和塞拉利昂南部的阿苏艾省。按百分比计算,其表现最好的是阿苏艾、塞拉利昂中部和亚马逊南部,比例超过 40%-50%(减少了拉索和莫雷诺在 2017 年亚马 电子邮件列表 逊地区选举中获得的支持)。关键是,在塞拉利昂中部,尤其是在亚马逊地区,选民简直少之又少。 在第二轮的竞选活动中,中间有一场总统辩. 论,阿劳兹改变了他的演讲。尽管科雷亚的赞助 电子邮件列表 帮助他赢得了相信公民革命的选民的支持,但在新阶段,有必要让自己远离科雷斯塔最严重的过激言论。对于那些在执政十年中没有立足之地或没有成功的社会诉求,有必要表现出更加宽容的面孔。 电子邮件列表 其中许多要求正是 Yaku Pérez 提议的一部分。因此,阿劳兹就他在环境、教育、性和生殖权利等方面的立场发表了几项公开声明,这与他的运动领袖多. 年来所坚持的方向相反:他对讨论堕胎合法化持开放态度,愿意加强双语跨文化教育,倾向于制止威胁环境的采矿和石油开采主义。所有这些竞选策略都 电子邮件列表 必须根据阿劳兹在进入决选时的争议选票来解释——他必须获得的大部分选票恰恰是在首 电子邮件列表 都基多和第五省阿苏艾票数最高的选民,他们在第一轮投票中以压倒性优势转向佩雷斯。五个省份中的其他三个集中了超过 60% 的选票——瓜亚斯、马纳比.Curtir
- Animes政治”和 美国电话号码表 “组织内的层级”之类的事情。没有经验的客户有时会觉得很困难,他们已经知道什么,你从哪里开始? 外卖 客户和沟通(手段)的制造者/发明者之间的信念通常存在差异。想想关于沟通重要性的信念和对彼此 美国电话号码表 的信念。信念有时会产生诸如刺激之类的重大后果。 通信工具的客户和创造者/制造者有时具有完全不同的“血统” (假 美国电话号码表 设、经验、风格、教育、同事)。 没关系,只要他们意识到这些差异。他们并不总 美国电话号码表 是因为同样的事情而受到奖励和/或惩罚。 “期望的沟通结果”通常在(创造性的)作业中描述。但这种描述并不总是被提及。因此,有关人员是否对“好”有相同的定义, 尚不 美国电话号码表 清楚。结果,一些创作者/制作者不明白他们的客户不高兴。他们在他们眼中做的一切都是“正确的”。 让每个人都开心的创造性成果通常始于 美国电话号码表 现实的期望。 当期望和结果不 美国电话号码表 匹配时,通常会出现问题。当人们不知道什么是“正常”时,通常会导致问题。 判断创造性的交流方式通常不是个人品味的问题;目标群体必须受到影响。每个人都知道他们喜欢的品牌并拥有最喜欢的 美国电话号码表 颜色。这通常并不意味着沟通表达的目标群体具有相同的偏好。 最好在给创作者/制作者的任务/简报中提前包含具体问题,以评估交流想法。提前将事情固定下来可以防止任何人感到受到攻击。诸如“我觉得美丽/ 美国电话号码表 丑陋/无聊/有趣”Curtir
- PC, Celulares e HardwareOpen Eye Video is a selected short video content executive list community. The author analyzes the product from various aspects such as market, user, product structure and function, and puts forward some of his own ideas to share with you. 1. Product executive list overview 1.1 Product Experience Environment Experience model: vivo X21A System version: Android APP version: Experience time: Product Introduction Product Name: Eyepetizer (Visual Feast) Product Type: Let everyone open their eyes, open executive list and open. Product Logo: Product positioning: "Open Eyes" is a high-quality short video application full of design. Gathering high-quality short video content from around the world, covering travel sports, creative advertisements, life highlights, popular science dry goods, animation film and television and other fresh and interesting executive list videos, as well as creative people in these fields, select the latest high-quality high-definition short videos every day, from vision to brain. The hole brings users a full range of surprises and executive list enjoyment. (from the official website) Keyword extraction short video, creative crowd, executive list selection, recommendation, global 2. Market analysis With the continuous development of the Internet, people's lifestyles are also undergoing earth-shaking changes. The most unexpected thing in the 4G era is that short videos have gradually become the mainstream way for people to share and record their lives.Curtir
Ajude nosso site a crescer com suas doações e colocar a nossa loja na ativa. Acima está um pouco de nossa intenção sobre o que vender, além de acessórios. Vá na aba Doação e envie um PIX! Todo Valor é importante [Principalmente para quem está iniciando e só tem ideias, disposição e sonhos (。╯︵╰。) ]