If you’ve been following our latest posts on engagement and marketing, you know that marketers need to change the way they engage prospects and Special leads customers. We have entered the Engagement Economy, and to survive and thrive, organizations must evolve their marketing strategies and tactics accordingly. Simply put, we must stop saying that what we Special leads have been doing is “engaging” buyers. And instead, we must take steps to truly engage.
What most marketers have done with all the new digital tools at their Special leads disposal is put a new spin on traditional tactics of marketing to their audience. What’s needed is a wholesale change. It starts with truly understanding what it means to engage with today’s buyers. I’m not blaming marketers. But I am advocating for a shake-up—starting with the mindset and going all the way Special leads down to the tactics—at most organizations. To validate that marketing leaders need to adopt and execute new strategies and approaches, Marketo Special leads undertook the first-ever engagement focused study.
Surveying more than 2,000 global consumers and marketers in order to Special leads surface valuable insights, the results should serve as a guidepost for marketers intent on succeeding. Marketers Are Missing the Mark The survey data revealed significant gaps between consumer expectations and marketers’ abilities to satisfy them. Consider this: the vast majority (82%) of marketers Special leads believe they deeply understand how their buyers want to be engaged. But half of buyers disagree.